CAMP 1.0.0
Chemistry Across Multiple Phases
Ccamp_camp_solver_data::aero_phase_add_condensed_data | Add condensed aerosol phase data to the solver data block |
Ccamp_aero_phase_data::aero_phase_data_ptr | Pointer type for building arrays |
Ccamp_aero_phase_data::aero_phase_data_t | Aerosol phase data type |
Ccamp_camp_solver_data::aero_phase_print_data | Print the solver data |
Ccamp_camp_solver_data::aero_rep_add_condensed_data | Add condensed aerosol representation data to the solver data block |
Ccamp_aero_rep_data::aero_rep_data_ptr | Pointer to aero_rep_data_t extending types |
►Ccamp_aero_rep_data::aero_rep_data_t | Abstract aerosol representation data type |
Ccamp_aero_rep_factory::aero_rep_factory_t | Factory type for aerosol representations |
Ccamp_aero_rep_modal_binned_mass::aero_rep_free_update_data | Free an update data object |
Ccamp_aero_rep_single_particle::aero_rep_free_update_data | Free an update data object |
Ccamp_aero_rep_modal_binned_mass::aero_rep_modal_binned_mass_create_gmd_update_data | Interface to c aerosol representation functions |
Ccamp_aero_rep_modal_binned_mass::aero_rep_modal_binned_mass_create_gsd_update_data | Allocate space for a GSD update object |
Ccamp_aero_rep_modal_binned_mass::aero_rep_modal_binned_mass_set_gmd_update_data | Set a new mode GMD |
Ccamp_aero_rep_modal_binned_mass::aero_rep_modal_binned_mass_set_gsd_update_data | Set a new mode GSD |
Ccamp_camp_solver_data::aero_rep_print_data | Print the aerosol representation data |
Ccamp_aero_rep_single_particle::aero_rep_single_particle_create_number_update_data | Interface to c aerosol representation functions |
Ccamp_aero_rep_single_particle::aero_rep_single_particle_set_number_update_data__n_m3 | Set a new particle number concentration |
Ccamp_camp_solver_data::aero_rep_update_data | Update aerosol representation data |
►Ccamp_aero_rep_data::aero_rep_update_data_t | Update cookie |
Ccamp_camp_core::camp_core_t | Part-MC model data |
Ccamp_camp_solver_data::camp_solver_data_t | Solver data |
Ccamp_camp_state::camp_state_ptr | Pointer type for building arrays |
Ccamp_camp_state::camp_state_t | Model state |
Ccamp_chem_spec_data::chem_spec_data_t | Chemical species data |
Ccamp_constants::const_t | Physical constants |
Ccamp_debug_diff_check::diff_check | Interface to c functions for diff checker |
Ccamp_debug_diff_check::diff_check_update_only | Check the dimensions of the data and update the saved values, but do not compare data |
CDifferenceCheckerData | |
Ccamp_env_state::env_state_ptr | Pointer for env_state_t |
Ccamp_env_state::env_state_t | Current environment state |
Ccamp_aero_rep_data::get_size | Get the size of the section of the camp_camp_state::camp_state_t::state_var array required for this aerosol representation |
Ccamp_aero_rep_data::initialize | Initialize the aerosol representation data, validating component data and loading any required information from the aero_rep_data_t::property_set . This routine should be called once for each aerosol representation at the beginning of a model run after all the input files have been read in. It ensures all data required during the model run are included in the condensed data arrays |
Ccamp_rxn_data::initialize | Reaction initialization. Takes species, phase and reaction parameters and packs required information into the condensed data arrays for use during the model run |
Ccamp_sub_model_data::initialize | Initialize the sub-model data, validating input parameters and loading any required information form the sub_model_data_t::property_set . This routine should be called once for each sub-model at the beginning of the model run after all the input files have been read in. It ensures all data required during the model run are included in the condensed data arrays |
Ccamp_aero_rep_data::internal_bin_pack | Extending-type binary pack function (Internal use only) |
Ccamp_rxn_data::internal_bin_pack | Extending-type binary pack function (Internal use only) |
Ccamp_sub_model_data::internal_bin_pack | Extending-type binary pack function (Internal use only) |
Ccamp_aero_rep_data::internal_bin_unpack | Extending-type binary unpack function (Internal use only) |
Ccamp_rxn_data::internal_bin_unpack | Extending-type binary unpack function (Internal use only) |
Ccamp_sub_model_data::internal_bin_unpack | Extending-type binary unpack function (Internal use only) |
Ccamp_aero_rep_data::internal_pack_size | Extending-type binary pack size (internal use only) |
Ccamp_rxn_data::internal_pack_size | Extending-type binary pack size (internal use only) |
Ccamp_sub_model_data::internal_pack_size | Extending-type binary pack size (internal use only) |
CJacMap | |
CJacobian | |
CJacobianColumnElements | |
Ccamp_mechanism_data::mechanism_data_ptr | Pointer type for building arrays |
Ccamp_mechanism_data::mechanism_data_t | A chemical mechanism |
CModel | |
CModelData | |
CModelElement | |
CModelElementDataIndices | |
CModelElementDataPointers | |
Ccamp_aero_rep_data::num_jac_elem | Get the number of Jacobian elements used in calculations of aerosol mass, volume, number, etc. for a particular phase |
Ccamp_aero_rep_data::num_phase_instances | Get the number of instances of a specified aerosol phase |
Ccamp_sub_model_data::priority | Return a real number representing the priority of the sub model calculations. Low priority sub models may use the results of higher priority sub models. Lower numbers indicate higher priority |
Ccamp_property::property_link_t | Property link data |
Ccamp_property::property_ptr | |
Ccamp_property::property_t | Property data |
Ccamp_camp_solver_data::rxn_add_condensed_data | Add condensed reaction data to the solver data block |
Ccamp_rxn_condensed_phase_photolysis::rxn_condensed_phase_photolysis_create_rate_update_data | Interface to c reaction functions |
Ccamp_rxn_condensed_phase_photolysis::rxn_condensed_phase_photolysis_set_rate_update_data | Set a new photolysis rate |
Ccamp_rxn_data::rxn_data_ptr | Pointer type for building arrays of mixed reactions |
►Ccamp_rxn_data::rxn_data_t | Abstract reaction data type |
Ccamp_rxn_emission::rxn_emission_create_rate_update_data | Interface to c reaction functions |
Ccamp_rxn_emission::rxn_emission_set_rate_update_data | Set a new emission rate |
Ccamp_rxn_factory::rxn_factory_t | Factory type for chemical reactions |
Ccamp_rxn_first_order_loss::rxn_first_order_loss_create_rate_update_data | Interface to c reaction functions |
Ccamp_rxn_first_order_loss::rxn_first_order_loss_set_rate_update_data | Set a new first_order_loss rate |
Ccamp_rxn_condensed_phase_photolysis::rxn_free_update_data | Free an update rate data object |
Ccamp_rxn_emission::rxn_free_update_data | Free an update rate data object |
Ccamp_rxn_first_order_loss::rxn_free_update_data | Free an update rate data object |
Ccamp_rxn_photolysis::rxn_free_update_data | Free an update rate data object |
Ccamp_rxn_wet_deposition::rxn_free_update_data | Free an update rate data object |
Ccamp_rxn_photolysis::rxn_photolysis_create_rate_update_data | Interface to c reaction functions |
Ccamp_rxn_photolysis::rxn_photolysis_set_rate_update_data | Set a new photolysis rate |
Ccamp_camp_solver_data::rxn_print_data | Print the solver data |
Ccamp_camp_solver_data::rxn_update_data | Update reaction data |
►Ccamp_rxn_data::rxn_update_data_t | Update cookie |
Ccamp_rxn_wet_deposition::rxn_wet_deposition_create_rate_update_data | Interface to c reaction functions |
Ccamp_rxn_wet_deposition::rxn_wet_deposition_set_rate_update_data | Set a new wet_deposition rate |
Ccamp_camp_solver_data::solver_free | Free the memory associated with a solver |
Ccamp_camp_solver_data::solver_get_statistics | Get the solver statistics |
Ccamp_camp_solver_data::solver_initialize | Solver initialization |
Ccamp_camp_solver_data::solver_new | Interface to c ODE solver functions |
Ccamp_camp_solver_data::solver_reset_timers | Reset the solver function timers |
Ccamp_camp_solver_data::solver_run | Run the solver |
Ccamp_solver_stats::solver_stats_t | Solver statistics |
CSolverData | |
Ccamp_aero_rep_data::spec_name | Get the non-unique name of a chemical species by its unique name |
Ccamp_aero_rep_data::spec_state_id | Get a species id on the camp_camp_state::camp_state_t::state_var array by unique name. These are unique ids for each element on the state array for this aerosol representation and are numbered: |
Ccamp_util::string_t | String type for building arrays of string of various size |
Ccamp_camp_solver_data::sub_model_add_condensed_data | Add condensed sub model data to the solver data block |
Ccamp_sub_model_data::sub_model_data_ptr | Pointer to sub_model_data_t extending types |
►Ccamp_sub_model_data::sub_model_data_t | Abstract sub-model data type |
Ccamp_sub_model_factory::sub_model_factory_t | Factory type for sub-models |
Ccamp_camp_solver_data::sub_model_print_data | Print the solver data |
Ccamp_camp_solver_data::sub_model_update_data | Update reaction data |
Ccamp_sub_model_data::sub_model_update_data_t | Update cookie |
CTimeDerivative | |
Ccamp_util::to_string | Interface for to_string functions |
Ccamp_aero_rep_data::unique_names | Get a list of unique names for each element on the camp_camp_state::camp_state_t::state_var array for this aerosol representation |