
Photolysis reactions take the form:

\[\ce{X + h $\nu$ -> Y_1 ( + Y_2 \dots )}\]

where \(\ce{X}\) is the species being photolyzed, and \(\ce{Y_n}\) are the photolysis products.

Photolysis rate constants (including the \(\ce{h $\nu$}\) term) can be constant. A conforming implementation of version 1.0.0 of the configuration will provide ways to dynamically update photolysis if nonconstant rates are needed.

Input data for photolysis reactions have the following format:

        yield: 0.65
scaling factor: 1.2
    "type": "PHOTOLYSIS",
    "reactants": {
        "spec1": {}
    "products": {
        "spec2": {},
        "spec3": {
            "yield": 0.65
    "scaling factor": 1.2

The key-value pairs reactants and products are required. There must be exactly one key-value pair in the reactants object whose name is the species being photolyzed and whose value is an empty JSON object. Any number of products may be present. Products without a specified yield are assumed to have a yield of 1.0. The scaling factor is optional and can be used to set a constant scaling factor for the rate constant. When the scaling factor is not provided, it is assumed to be 1.0. All other data is optional and will be available to external photolysis modules during initialization. Rate constants are in units of \(\mathrm{s}^{-1}\).