Chemical Species#

An object containing information about a chemical species has the following format:

  - name: my species name
    type: CHEM_SPEC
  - name: my other species name
    type: CHEM_SPEC
    "molecular weight [kg mol-1]": 0.025
    "diffusion coefficient [m2 s-1]": 2.3e2
  "camp-data": [
      "name": "my species name",
      "type": "CHEM_SPEC"
      "name": "my other species name",
      "type": "CHEM_SPEC",
      "molecular weight [kg mol-1]": 0.025,
      "diffusion coefficient [m2 s-1]": 2.3e2

The key-value pair name is required and must contain the unique name used for this species. The key-value pair type is also required, and must be CHEM_SPEC. Optional key-value pairs are used to define physical and chemical properties. These include:

  • "molecular weight [kg mol-1]"

  • "diffusion coefficient [m2 s-1]"

These optional properties are only required when a species participates in a reaction that requires that a particular property be defined (e.g., surface reactions).