Photolysis ========== Photolysis reactions take the form: .. math:: \ce{X + h $\nu$ -> Y_1 ( + Y_2 \dots )} where :math:`\ce{X}` is the species being photolyzed, and :math:`\ce{Y_n}` are the photolysis products. Photolysis rate constants (including the :math:`\ce{h $\nu$}` term) can be constant. A conforming implementation of version |version| of the configuration will provide ways to dynamically update photolysis if nonconstant rates are needed. Input data for photolysis reactions have the following format: .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: YAML .. code-block:: yaml type: PHOTOLYSIS reactants: spec1: products: spec2: spec3: yield: 0.65 scaling factor: 1.2 .. tab-item:: JSON .. code-block:: json { "type": "PHOTOLYSIS", "reactants": { "spec1": {} }, "products": { "spec2": {}, "spec3": { "yield": 0.65 } }, "scaling factor": 1.2 } The key-value pairs ``reactants`` and ``products`` are required. There must be exactly one key-value pair in the ``reactants`` object whose name is the species being photolyzed and whose value is an empty JSON object. Any number of products may be present. Products without a specified ``yield`` are assumed to have a ``yield`` of 1.0. The ``scaling factor`` is optional and can be used to set a constant scaling factor for the rate constant. When the ``scaling factor`` is not provided, it is assumed to be 1.0. All other data is optional and will be available to external photolysis modules during initialization. Rate constants are in units of :math:`\mathrm{s}^{-1}`.