CAMP 1.0.0
Chemistry Across Multiple Phases
Input JSON Object Format: Aerosol Phase

A json object containing information about an aerosol phase has the following format:

{ : [
: [

The key-value pair name is required and must contain the unique name used for this aerosol phase in the mechanism. The key-value pair type is also required and its value must be AERO_PHASE.

A list of species names should be included in a key-value pair named species whose value is an array of species names. These names must correspond to chemcical species names. Chemical species included in the species array must have a phase of AEROSOL and must include key value pairs molecular weight [kg mol-1] and density [kg m-3].

All other data is optional and may include any valid json value. Multiple entries with the same aerosol phase name will be merged into a single phase, but duplicate property names for the same phase will cause an error.