CAMP 1.0.0
Chemistry Across Multiple Phases
Input JSON Object Format: Chemical Species

A json object containing information about a chemical species has the following format:

{ : [
: ,
: ,
: ,
: ,
: 123.34,
: true,
: {
: 12.43,
: ,
: ,
: ,
: ,
: 123.34,

The key-value pair name is required and must contain the unique name used for this species in the mechanism object. (The same name cannot be used for a gas-phase species and an aerosol-phase species.) The key-value pair type is also required, and must be CHEM_SPEC.

The key-value pair phase specifies the phase in which the species exists and can be GAS or AEROSOL. When the phase is not specified, it is assumed to be GAS. The type can be VARIABLE, CONSTANT or PSSA. When a type is not specified, it is assumed to be VARIABLE.

All remaining data are optional and may include any valid json value, including nested objects. Multilple entries with the same species name will be merged into a single species, but duplicate property names for the same species will cause an error. However, nested objects with the same key name will be merged, if possible.