Module PySDM.products.impl.concentration_product

common code for products computing particle concentrations with the option to return them at standard temperature and pressure (STP) conditions

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common code for products computing particle concentrations with
the option to return them at standard temperature and pressure (STP) conditions

from PySDM.products.impl.moment_product import MomentProduct

class ConcentrationProduct(MomentProduct):
    def __init__(self, *, unit: str, name: str, specific: bool, stp: bool):
        `stp` toggles expressing the concentration in terms of standard temperature
        and pressure conditions (ground level of the ICAO standard atmosphere, zero humidity)
        super().__init__(unit=unit, name=name)
        self.specific = specific
        self.stp = stp
        self.rho_stp = None
        if self.stp and self.specific:
            raise ValueError(
                "std-temperature-and-pressure precludes specific conc. option"

    def register(self, builder):
        self.rho_stp = builder.formulae.constants.rho_STP

    def _impl(self, **kwargs):
        assert len(kwargs) == 0

        self.buffer[:] /= self.particulator.mesh.dv

        if self.specific or self.stp:
            result = self.buffer.copy()
            result[:] /= self.buffer
            if self.stp:
                result[:] *= self.rho_stp
            result = self.buffer

        return result


class ConcentrationProduct (*, unit: str, name: str, specific: bool, stp: bool)

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

stp toggles expressing the concentration in terms of standard temperature and pressure conditions (ground level of the ICAO standard atmosphere, zero humidity)

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class ConcentrationProduct(MomentProduct):
    def __init__(self, *, unit: str, name: str, specific: bool, stp: bool):
        `stp` toggles expressing the concentration in terms of standard temperature
        and pressure conditions (ground level of the ICAO standard atmosphere, zero humidity)
        super().__init__(unit=unit, name=name)
        self.specific = specific
        self.stp = stp
        self.rho_stp = None
        if self.stp and self.specific:
            raise ValueError(
                "std-temperature-and-pressure precludes specific conc. option"

    def register(self, builder):
        self.rho_stp = builder.formulae.constants.rho_STP

    def _impl(self, **kwargs):
        assert len(kwargs) == 0

        self.buffer[:] /= self.particulator.mesh.dv

        if self.specific or self.stp:
            result = self.buffer.copy()
            result[:] /= self.buffer
            if self.stp:
                result[:] *= self.rho_stp
            result = self.buffer

        return result



Inherited members