Module PySDM.products.impl.product

logic around the Product - parent class for all products

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logic around the `PySDM.products.impl.product.Product` - parent class for all products

import inspect
import re
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Optional

import pint

from PySDM.physics.constants import PPB, PPM, PPT

_UNIT_REGISTRY = pint.UnitRegistry()
_CAMEL_CASE_PATTERN = re.compile(r"[A-Z]?[a-z]+|[A-Z]+(?![^A-Z])")

class Product:
    def __init__(self, *, unit: str, name: Optional[str] = None): = name or self._camel_case_to_words(self.__class__.__name__)

        self._unit = self._parse_unit(unit)
        self.unit_magnitude_in_base_units = self._unit.to_base_units().magnitude

        self.shape = None
        self.buffer = None
        self.particulator = None
        self.formulae = None

    def register(self, builder):
        self.particulator = builder.particulator
        self.formulae = self.particulator.formulae
        self.shape = self.particulator.mesh.grid

    def set_buffer(self, buffer):
        self.buffer = buffer

    def _download_to_buffer(self, storage):

    def _parse_unit(unit: str):
        if unit in ("%", "percent"):
            return 0.01 * _UNIT_REGISTRY.dimensionless
        if unit in ("PPB", "ppb"):
            return PPB * _UNIT_REGISTRY.dimensionless
        if unit in ("PPM", "ppm"):
            return PPM * _UNIT_REGISTRY.dimensionless
        if unit in ("PPT", "ppt"):
            return PPT * _UNIT_REGISTRY.dimensionless
        return _UNIT_REGISTRY.parse_expression(unit)

    def _camel_case_to_words(string: str):
        words = _CAMEL_CASE_PATTERN.findall(string)
        words = (word if word.isupper() else word.lower() for word in words)
        return " ".join(words)

    def __check_unit(self):
        init = inspect.signature(self.__init__)
        if "unit" not in init.parameters:
            raise AssertionError(
                f"method __init__ of class {type(self).__name__}"
                f" is expected to have a unit parameter"

        default_unit_arg = init.parameters["unit"].default

        if default_unit_arg is None or str(default_unit_arg).strip() == "":
            raise AssertionError(
                f"unit parameter of {type(self).__name__}.__init__"
                f" is expected to have a non-empty default value"

        default_unit = self._parse_unit(default_unit_arg)

        if default_unit.to_base_units().magnitude != 1:
            raise AssertionError(
                f'default value "{default_unit_arg}"'
                f" of {type(self).__name__}.__init__() unit parameter"
                f" is not a base SI unit"

        if self._unit.dimensionality != default_unit.dimensionality:
            raise AssertionError(
                f"provided unit ({self._unit}) has different dimensionality"
                f" ({self._unit.dimensionality}) than the default one"
                f" ({default_unit.dimensionality})"
                f" for product {type(self).__name__}"

    def unit(self):
        return str(self._unit)

    def _impl(self, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get(self, **kwargs):
        result = self._impl(**kwargs)
        result /= self.unit_magnitude_in_base_units
        return result


class Product (*, unit: str, name: Optional[str] = None)
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class Product:
    def __init__(self, *, unit: str, name: Optional[str] = None): = name or self._camel_case_to_words(self.__class__.__name__)

        self._unit = self._parse_unit(unit)
        self.unit_magnitude_in_base_units = self._unit.to_base_units().magnitude

        self.shape = None
        self.buffer = None
        self.particulator = None
        self.formulae = None

    def register(self, builder):
        self.particulator = builder.particulator
        self.formulae = self.particulator.formulae
        self.shape = self.particulator.mesh.grid

    def set_buffer(self, buffer):
        self.buffer = buffer

    def _download_to_buffer(self, storage):

    def _parse_unit(unit: str):
        if unit in ("%", "percent"):
            return 0.01 * _UNIT_REGISTRY.dimensionless
        if unit in ("PPB", "ppb"):
            return PPB * _UNIT_REGISTRY.dimensionless
        if unit in ("PPM", "ppm"):
            return PPM * _UNIT_REGISTRY.dimensionless
        if unit in ("PPT", "ppt"):
            return PPT * _UNIT_REGISTRY.dimensionless
        return _UNIT_REGISTRY.parse_expression(unit)

    def _camel_case_to_words(string: str):
        words = _CAMEL_CASE_PATTERN.findall(string)
        words = (word if word.isupper() else word.lower() for word in words)
        return " ".join(words)

    def __check_unit(self):
        init = inspect.signature(self.__init__)
        if "unit" not in init.parameters:
            raise AssertionError(
                f"method __init__ of class {type(self).__name__}"
                f" is expected to have a unit parameter"

        default_unit_arg = init.parameters["unit"].default

        if default_unit_arg is None or str(default_unit_arg).strip() == "":
            raise AssertionError(
                f"unit parameter of {type(self).__name__}.__init__"
                f" is expected to have a non-empty default value"

        default_unit = self._parse_unit(default_unit_arg)

        if default_unit.to_base_units().magnitude != 1:
            raise AssertionError(
                f'default value "{default_unit_arg}"'
                f" of {type(self).__name__}.__init__() unit parameter"
                f" is not a base SI unit"

        if self._unit.dimensionality != default_unit.dimensionality:
            raise AssertionError(
                f"provided unit ({self._unit}) has different dimensionality"
                f" ({self._unit.dimensionality}) than the default one"
                f" ({default_unit.dimensionality})"
                f" for product {type(self).__name__}"

    def unit(self):
        return str(self._unit)

    def _impl(self, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get(self, **kwargs):
        result = self._impl(**kwargs)
        result /= self.unit_magnitude_in_base_units
        return result


Instance variables

var unit
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def unit(self):
    return str(self._unit)


def get(self, **kwargs)
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def get(self, **kwargs):
    result = self._impl(**kwargs)
    result /= self.unit_magnitude_in_base_units
    return result
def register(self, builder)
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def register(self, builder):
    self.particulator = builder.particulator
    self.formulae = self.particulator.formulae
    self.shape = self.particulator.mesh.grid
def set_buffer(self, buffer)
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def set_buffer(self, buffer):
    self.buffer = buffer