type(string_t) function, pointer | camp_util::string_t_constructor (val) |
| Constructor for string_t.
elemental subroutine | camp_util::string_t_finalize (this) |
| Finalize a string.
subroutine | camp_util::warn_msg (code, warning_msg, already_warned) |
| Prints a warning message.
subroutine | camp_util::warn_assert_msg (code, condition_ok, warning_msg) |
| Prints a warning message if condition_ok is false.
subroutine | camp_util::assert_msg (code, condition_ok, error_msg) |
| Errors unless condition_ok is true.
subroutine | camp_util::assert (code, condition_ok) |
| Errors unless condition_ok is true.
subroutine | camp_util::die (code) |
| Error immediately.
subroutine | camp_util::die_msg (code, error_msg) |
| Error immediately.
integer function | camp_util::get_unit () |
| Returns an available unit number. This should be freed by free_unit().
subroutine | camp_util::free_unit (unit) |
| Frees a unit number returned by get_unit().
subroutine | camp_util::open_file_read (filename, unit) |
| Open a file for reading with an automatically assigned unit and test that it succeeds. The file should be closed with close_file().
subroutine | camp_util::open_file_write (filename, unit) |
| Open a file for writing with an automatically assigned unit and test that it succeeds. The file should be closed with close_file().
subroutine | camp_util::close_file (unit) |
| Close a file and de-assign the unit.
real(kind=dp) elemental function | camp_util::sphere_vol2rad (v) |
| Convert mass-equivalent volume \(V\) (m^3) to geometric radius \(R_{\rm geo}\) (m) for spherical particles.
real(kind=dp) elemental function | camp_util::rad2diam (r) |
| Convert radius (m) to diameter (m).
real(kind=dp) elemental function | camp_util::sphere_rad2vol (r) |
| Convert geometric radius \(R_{\rm geo}\) (m) to mass-equivalent volume \(V\) (m^3) for spherical particles.
real(kind=dp) elemental function | camp_util::diam2rad (d) |
| Convert diameter (m) to radius (m).
real(kind=dp) function | camp_util::air_mean_free_path (temp, pressure) |
| Calculate air molecular mean free path \(l\) (m).
logical function | camp_util::almost_equal (d1, d2, rel_tol, abs_tol) |
| Tests whether two real numbers are almost equal using only a relative tolerance.
logical function | camp_util::almost_equal_abs (d1, d2, abs_tol) |
| Tests whether two real numbers are almost equal using an absolute and relative tolerance.
subroutine | camp_util::check_time_multiple (first_name, first_time, second_name, second_time) |
| Check that the first time interval is close to an integer multiple of the second, and warn if it is not.
subroutine | camp_util::check_event (time, timestep, interval, last_time, do_event) |
| Computes whether an event is scheduled to take place.
real(kind=dp) function, dimension(:), allocatable | camp_util::linspace (min_x, max_x, n) |
| Makes a linearly spaced array from min to max.
real(kind=dp) function, dimension(:), allocatable | camp_util::logspace (min_x, max_x, n) |
| Makes a logarithmically spaced array of length n from min to max.
integer function | camp_util::linspace_find (min_x, max_x, n, x) |
| Find the position of a real number in a 1D linear array.
integer function | camp_util::logspace_find (min_x, max_x, n, x) |
| Find the position of a real number in a 1D logarithmic array.
integer function | camp_util::find_1d (n, x_vals, x) |
| Find the position of a real number in an arbitrary 1D array.
real(kind=dp) function | camp_util::interp_1d (x_vals, y_vals, x) |
| 1D linear interpolation.
real(kind=dp) function | camp_util::interp_linear_disc (x_1, x_n, n, i) |
| Linear interpolation over discrete indices.
integer function | camp_util::string_to_integer (string) |
| Convert a string to an integer.
real(kind=dp) function | camp_util::string_to_real (string) |
| Convert a string to a real.
logical function | camp_util::string_to_logical (string) |
| Convert a string to a logical.
character(len=camp_util_convert_string_len) function | camp_util::integer_to_string (val) |
| Convert an integer to a string format.
character(len=camp_util_convert_string_len) function | camp_util::real_dp_to_string (val) |
| Convert a double precision real to a string format.
character(len=camp_util_convert_string_len) function | camp_util::real_sp_to_string (val) |
| Convert a single precision real to a string format.
character(len=camp_util_convert_string_len) function | camp_util::logical_to_string (val) |
| Convert a logical to a string format.
character(len=camp_util_convert_string_len) function | camp_util::complex_to_string (val) |
| Convert a complex to a string format.
character(len=camp_util_convert_string_len) function | camp_util::integer_to_string_max_len (val, max_len) |
| Convert an integer to a string format of maximum length.
character(len=camp_util_convert_string_len) function | camp_util::real_to_string_max_len (val, max_len) |
| Convert a real to a string format of maximum length.
character(len=camp_util_convert_string_len) function | camp_util::time_to_string_max_len (time, max_len) |
| Convert a time to a string format of maximum length.
type(string_t) function, dimension(:), allocatable | camp_util::split_char (this, splitter, compress) |
| Splits a string on a substring.
type(string_t) function, dimension(:), allocatable | camp_util::split_string (this, splitter, compress) |
| Splits a string on a substring.
subroutine | camp_util::vec_cts_to_disc (n, vec_cts, n_samp, vec_disc) |
| Convert a real-valued vector into an integer-valued vector.
subroutine | camp_util::average_integer (int_vec, int_avg) |
| Computes the average of an array of integer numbers.
subroutine | camp_util::average_real (real_vec, real_avg) |
| Computes the average of an array of real numbers.
integer function | camp_util::string_array_find (array, val) |
| Return the index of the first occurance of the given value in the array, or 0 if it is not present.
subroutine | camp_util::ensure_real_array_size (x, n, only_grow) |
| Allocate or reallocate the given array to ensure it is of the given size, preserving any data and/or initializing to 0.
subroutine | camp_util::ensure_real_array_2d_size (x, n1, n2, only_grow) |
| Allocate or reallocate the given array to ensure it is of the given size, preserving any data and/or initializing to 0.
subroutine | camp_util::ensure_integer_array_size (x, n, only_grow) |
| Allocate or reallocate the given array to ensure it is of the given size, preserving any data and/or initializing to 0.
subroutine | camp_util::ensure_integer_array_2d_size (x, n1, n2, only_grow) |
| Allocate or reallocate the given array to ensure it is of the given size, preserving any data and/or initializing to 0.
subroutine | camp_util::ensure_string_array_size (x, n) |
| Allocate or reallocate the given array to ensure it is of the given size, without preserving data.
subroutine | camp_util::get_basename (filename, basename) |
| Strip the extension to find the basename.
subroutine | camp_util::iso8601_date_and_time (date_time) |
| Current date and time in ISO 8601 format.
real(kind=dp) function | camp_util::deg2rad (deg) |
| Convert degrees to radians.
real(kind=dp) function | camp_util::rad2deg (rad) |
| Convert radians to degrees.
subroutine | camp_util::integer_sort (data, perm) |
| Sort the given data array and return the permutation defining the sort.
subroutine | camp_util::loadtxt (filename, data) |
| Load a real array from a text file.
subroutine | camp_util::savetxt_1d (filename, data) |
| Write a real 1D array to a text file.
subroutine | camp_util::savetxt_2d (filename, data) |
| Write a real 2D array to a text file.
subroutine | camp_util::reallocate_real_array2d (data, rows, cols) |
| Reallocate a 2D real array to the given size, preserving the contents.
subroutine | camp_util::read_char_raw (unit, char, eol, eof) |
| Read a single character from a file, signaling if we have hit end-of-line (EOL) or end-of-file (EOF). If EOL or EOF are true then the character value should be ignored.
subroutine | camp_util::read_word_raw (unit, word, eol, eof) |
| Read a white-space delimited word from a file, signaling if we have EOL or EOF. If EOL or EOF are true then the word will still be meaningful data. If there was no data to be read then len(word) will be 0.
logical function | camp_util::starts_with (string, start_string) |
| Checks whether a string starts with a given other string.
elemental real(kind=dp) function | camp_util::harmonic_mean (x1, x2) |
| Compute the harmonic mean of two numbers.
elemental real(kind=dp) function | camp_util::nplogp (p) |
| Compute \( - p \ln p\) for computing entropy.
real(kind=dp) function | camp_util::entropy (p) |
| Compute the entropy of a probability mass function (non necessarily normalized).
integer function | camp_util::pow2_above (n) |
| Return the least power-of-2 that is at least equal to n.