CAMP 1.0.0
Chemistry Across Multiple Phases
sub_model_factory.F90 File Reference

The camp_sub_model_factory module. More...

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Data Types

type  camp_sub_model_factory::sub_model_factory_t
 Factory type for sub-models. More...


module  camp_sub_model_factory
 The sub_model_factory_t type and associated subroutines.


class(sub_model_data_t) function, pointer camp_sub_model_factory::create (this, type_name)
 Create a new sub-model by type name.
class(sub_model_data_t) function, pointer camp_sub_model_factory::load (this, json, j_obj)
 Load a sub-model based on its type.
integer(kind=i_kind) function camp_sub_model_factory::get_type (this, sub_model)
 Get the sub-model type as a constant.
subroutine camp_sub_model_factory::initialize_update_data (this, sub_model, update_data)
 Initialize an update data object.
integer(kind=i_kind) function camp_sub_model_factory::pack_size (this, sub_model, comm)
 Determine the size of a binary required to pack a sub-model.
subroutine camp_sub_model_factory::bin_pack (this, sub_model, buffer, pos, comm)
 Pack the given value to the buffer, advancing position.
class(sub_model_data_t) function, pointer camp_sub_model_factory::bin_unpack (this, buffer, pos, comm)
 Unpack the given value to the buffer, advancing position.


integer(kind=i_kind), parameter, public camp_sub_model_factory::sub_model_unifac = 1
 Identifiers for sub-models - used by binary packing/unpacking functions.
integer(kind=i_kind), parameter, public camp_sub_model_factory::sub_model_zsr_aerosol_water = 2
integer(kind=i_kind), parameter, public camp_sub_model_factory::sub_model_pdfite = 3

Detailed Description

The camp_sub_model_factory module.

Definition in file sub_model_factory.F90.