CAMP 1.0.0
Chemistry Across Multiple Phases
CAMP: First-Order Loss

First-Order Loss reactions take the form:

\[ \mbox{X} \rightarrow \]

where \(\ce{X}\) is the species being lost.

First-Order loss rate constants can be constant or set from an external module using the camp_rxn_first_order_loss::rxn_update_data_first_order_loss_t object. External modules can use the camp_rxn_first_order_loss::rxn_first_order_loss_t::get_property_set() function during initilialization to access any needed reaction parameters to identify certain first-order loss reactions. An camp_rxn_first_order_loss::update_data_first_order_loss_t object should be initialized for each reaction. These objects can then be used during solving to update the first order loss rate from an external module.

Input data for first-order loss reactions have the following format :

: ,
: ,
: 1.2,

The key-value pairs species is required and its value must be the name of the species being removed by the reaction. The scaling factor is optional, and can be used to set a constant scaling factor for the rate constant. When a scaling factor is not provided, it is assumed to be 1.0. All other data is optional and will be available to external modules during initialization. Rate constants are in units of \(s^{-1}\), and must be set using a rxn_first_order_loss_update_data_t object.