CAMP 1.0.0
Chemistry Across Multiple Phases
Condensed-Phase Photolysis reactions take the form:
\[\ce{ X + h $\nu$ -> Y_1 ( + Y_2 \dots ) }\]
where \(\ce{X}\) is the species being photolyzed, and \(\ce{Y_n}\) are the photolysis products.
The reaction rate can be scaled by providing the "scaling factor" keyword in the json configuration.
Input data for condensed-phase Photolysis reactions have the following format:
The key-value pairs reactants, and products are required. Reactants without a qty value are assumed to appear once in the reaction equation. Products without a specified yield are assumed to have a yield of 1.0.
Units for the reactants and products must be specified using the key units and can be either M or mol m-3. If units of M are specified, a key-value pair aerosol-phase water must also be included whose value is a string specifying the name for water in the aerosol phase.
The unit for time is assumed to be s, but inclusion of the optional key-value pair time unit = MIN can be used to indicate a rate with min as the time unit.
The key-value pair aerosol phase is required and must specify the name of the aerosol-phase in which the reaction occurs.