CAMP 1.0.0
Chemistry Across Multiple Phases
CAMP: Adding a Reaction Type

Note: these instructions are out-of-date. TODO update

Adding a reaction to the camp-chem module can be done in the following steps:

Step 1. Create a new reaction module

The module should be placed in the /src/rxns folder and extent the abstract camp_rxn_data::rxn_data_t type, overriding all deferred functions, and providing a constructor that returns a pointer to a newly allocated instance of the new type:

module rxn_foo
use ...
implicit none
public :: rxn_foo_t
type, extends(rxn_data_t) :: rxn_foo_t
... (all deferred functions) ...
end type rxn_foo_t
! Constructor
interface rxn_foo_t
procedure :: constructor
end interface rxn_foo_t
function constructor() result(new_obj)
type(rxn_foo_t), pointer :: new_obj
end function constructor
end module camp_rxn_foo

Step 2. Add the reaction to the camp_rxn_factory module

! Use all reaction modules
use camp_rxn_foo
!> Identifiers for reaction types - used by binary packing/unpacking
!! functions
integer(kind=i_kind), parameter :: RXN_FOO = 32
!> Create a new chemical reaction by type name
function create(this, type_name) result (new_obj)
select case (type_name)
case ()
new_obj => rxn_foo_t()
end function create
!> Pack the given value to the buffer, advancing position
subroutine bin_pack(this, rxn, buffer, pos)
select type (rxn)
type is (rxn_foo_t)
rxn_type = rxn_foo
end subroutine bin_pack
!> Unpack the given value to the buffer, advancing position
function bin_unpack(this, buffer, pos) result (rxn)
select case (rxn_type)
case (rxn_foo)
rxn => rxn_foo_t()
end function bin_unpack
end module camp_rxn_factory
The abstract rxn_factory_t structure and associated subroutines.
class(rxn_data_t) function, pointer create(this, type_name)
Create a new chemical reaction by type name.
class(rxn_data_t) function, pointer bin_unpack(this, buffer, pos, comm)
Unpack the given value to the buffer, advancing position.
subroutine bin_pack(this, rxn, buffer, pos, comm)
Pack the given value to the buffer, advancing position.

Step 4. Add the new module to the CMakeList file in the root directory.

# partmc library

Step 5. Add unit tests for the new rxn_foo_t type

Unit testing should cover, at minimum, the initialization, time derivative and Jacbian matrix functions, and in general 80% code coverage is recommended. Some examples can be found in the /src/test folder.

Step 6. Update documentation

TODO finish...


The new reaction type is now ready to use. To include a reaction of this type in a mechanism, add a reaction object to a new or existing camp-chem configuration file as part of a mechanism object. The reaction should have a type corresponding to the newly created reaction type, along with any required parameters:

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