
  1from typing import Union
  3import matplotlib
  4import numpy as np
  5from matplotlib import pyplot
  6from packaging import version
  8from PySDM import Builder, Formulae
  9from PySDM.backends import CPU
 10from PySDM.dynamics import Freezing
 11from PySDM.environments import Box
 12from PySDM.initialisation import discretise_multiplicities
 13from PySDM.initialisation.sampling import spectral_sampling
 14from PySDM.physics import si
 15from PySDM.products import IceWaterContent, TotalUnfrozenImmersedSurfaceArea
 18class Simulation:
 19    # note: dv and droplet_volume are dummy multipliers (multiplied and then divided by)
 20    #       will become used if coalescence or other processes are turned on
 21    def __init__(
 22        self,
 23        *,
 24        cases,
 25        n_runs_per_case=10,
 26        multiplicity=1,
 27        time_step,
 28        droplet_volume=1 ***3,
 29        heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate="Constant",
 30        total_time: Union[None, float] = None,
 31        temperature_range: Union[None, tuple] = None,
 32    ):
 33        self.cases = cases
 34        self.n_runs_per_case = n_runs_per_case
 35        self.multiplicity = multiplicity
 36        self.volume = cases.volume
 37        self.time_step = time_step
 38        self.droplet_volume = droplet_volume
 39        self.heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate = heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate
 40        self.output = None
 41        self.total_time = total_time
 42        self.temperature_range = temperature_range
 44    def run(self, keys):
 45        self.output = {}
 46        for key in keys:
 47            case = self.cases[key]
 49            assert (self.total_time is None) + (self.temperature_range is None) == 1
 50            if self.total_time is not None:
 51                total_time = self.total_time
 52            else:
 53                total_time = (
 54                    np.diff(np.asarray(self.temperature_range)) / case["cooling_rate"]
 55                )
 57            constants = None
 58            if "J_het" not in case:
 59                case["J_het"] = None
 60                constants = {"ABIFM_C": case["ABIFM_c"], "ABIFM_M": case["ABIFM_m"]}
 61            if "cooling_rate" not in case:
 62                case["cooling_rate"] = 0
 63                constants = {"J_HET": case["J_het"]}
 65            self.output[key] = []
 66            for i in range(self.n_runs_per_case):
 67                number_of_real_droplets = case["ISA"].norm_factor * self.volume
 68                n_sd = number_of_real_droplets / self.multiplicity
 69                np.testing.assert_approx_equal(n_sd, int(n_sd))
 70                n_sd = int(n_sd)
 71                initial_temp = (
 72                    self.temperature_range[1] if self.temperature_range else np.nan
 73                )
 74                f_ufz, a_tot = simulation(
 75                    constants=constants,
 76                    seed=i,
 77                    n_sd=n_sd,
 78                    time_step=self.time_step,
 79                    volume=self.volume,
 80                    spectrum=case["ISA"],
 81                    droplet_volume=self.droplet_volume,
 82                    multiplicity=self.multiplicity,
 83                    total_time=total_time,
 84                    number_of_real_droplets=number_of_real_droplets,
 85                    cooling_rate=self.cases[key]["cooling_rate"],
 86                    heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate=self.heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate,
 87                    initial_temperature=initial_temp,
 88                )
 89                self.output[key].append({"f_ufz": f_ufz, "A_tot": a_tot})
 91    def plot(self, ylim, grid=None):
 92        pyplot.rc("font", size=10)
 93        for key in self.output:
 94            for run in range(self.n_runs_per_case):
 95                time = self.time_step * np.arange(len(self.output[key][run]["f_ufz"]))
 96                if self.cases[key]["cooling_rate"] == 0:
 97                    plot_x = time / si.min
 98                    plot_y = self.output[key][run]["f_ufz"]
 99                else:
100                    plot_x = (
101                        self.temperature_range[1]
102                        - time * self.cases[key]["cooling_rate"]
103                    )
104                    plot_y = 1 - np.asarray(self.output[key][run]["f_ufz"])
105                pyplot.step(
106                    plot_x,
107                    plot_y,
108                    label=self.cases.label(key) if run == 0 else None,
109                    color=self.cases[key]["color"],
110                    linewidth=0.666,
111                )
112        key = None
113        if version.parse(matplotlib.__version__) >= version.parse("3.3.0"):
114            pyplot.gca().set_box_aspect(1)
115        pyplot.legend()
116        if grid is not None:
117            pyplot.grid(which=grid)
118        pyplot.ylim(ylim)
119        if self.temperature_range:
120            pyplot.xlim(*self.temperature_range)
121            pyplot.xlabel("T / K")
122            pyplot.ylabel("$f_{frz}$")
123        else:
124            pyplot.xlim(0, self.total_time / si.min)
125            pyplot.xlabel("t / min")
126            pyplot.ylabel("$f_{ufz}$")
127            pyplot.yscale("log")
129    def plot_j_het(self, variant: str, abifm_params_case: str, ylim=None):
130        assert variant in ("apparent", "actual")
132        formulae = Formulae(
133            particle_shape_and_density="MixedPhaseSpheres",
134            heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate="ABIFM",
135            constants={
136                "ABIFM_M": self.cases[abifm_params_case]["ABIFM_m"],
137                "ABIFM_C": self.cases[abifm_params_case]["ABIFM_c"],
138            },
139        )
141        yunit = 1 /**2 / si.s
142        svp = formulae.saturation_vapour_pressure
143        plot_x = np.linspace(*self.temperature_range) * si.K
144        plot_y = formulae.heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate.j_het(
145            svp.pvs_ice(plot_x) / svp.pvs_water(plot_x)
146        )
147        pyplot.grid()
148        pyplot.plot(plot_x, plot_y / yunit, color="red", label="ABIFM $J_{het}$")
150        for key in self.output:
151            for run in range(self.n_runs_per_case):
152                time = self.time_step * np.arange(len(self.output[key][run]["f_ufz"]))
153                if self.cases[key]["cooling_rate"] == 0:
154                    raise NotImplementedError()
156                temperature = (
157                    self.temperature_range[1] - time * self.cases[key]["cooling_rate"]
158                )
159                spec = self.cases[key]["ISA"]
161                particle_number = spec.norm_factor * self.volume
162                n_ufz = particle_number * np.asarray(self.output[key][run]["f_ufz"])
163                n_frz = particle_number - n_ufz
165                j_het = np.diff(n_frz) / self.time_step
166                if variant == "apparent":
167                    j_het /= n_ufz[:-1] * spec.m_mode
168                else:
169                    a_tot = np.asarray(self.output[key][run]["A_tot"][:-1])
170                    j_het = np.divide(
171                        j_het, a_tot, out=np.zeros_like(j_het), where=a_tot != 0
172                    )
174                pyplot.scatter(
175                    temperature[:-1] + np.diff(temperature) / 2,
176                    np.where(j_het != 0, j_het, np.nan) / yunit,
177                    label=self.cases.label(key) if run == 0 else None,
178                    color=self.cases[key]["color"],
179                )
180        key = None
182        pyplot.yscale("log")
183        pyplot.xlabel("K")
184        pyplot.ylabel(
185            f"$J_{{het}}$, $J_{{het}}^{{{variant}}}$ / cm$^{{-2}}$ s$^{{-1}}$"
186        )
187        pyplot.xlim(self.temperature_range)
188        if ylim is not None:
189            pyplot.ylim(ylim)
190        pyplot.legend()
191        if version.parse(matplotlib.__version__) >= version.parse("3.3.0"):
192            pyplot.gca().set_box_aspect(1)
195def simulation(
196    *,
197    constants,
198    seed,
199    n_sd,
200    time_step,
201    volume,
202    spectrum,
203    droplet_volume,
204    multiplicity,
205    total_time,
206    number_of_real_droplets,
207    cooling_rate=0,
208    heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate="Constant",
209    initial_temperature=np.nan,
211    formulae = Formulae(
212        seed=seed,
213        heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate=heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate,
214        constants=constants,
215        particle_shape_and_density="MixedPhaseSpheres",
216    )
217    builder = Builder(
218        n_sd=n_sd,
219        backend=CPU(formulae=formulae),
220        environment=Box(dt=time_step, dv=volume),
221    )
222    builder.add_dynamic(Freezing(singular=False))
223    builder.request_attribute("volume")
225    if hasattr(spectrum, "s_geom") and spectrum.s_geom == 1:
226        _isa, _conc = np.full(n_sd, spectrum.m_mode), np.full(
227            n_sd, multiplicity / volume
228        )
229    else:
230        _isa, _conc = spectral_sampling.ConstantMultiplicity(spectrum).sample(n_sd)
231    attributes = {
232        "multiplicity": discretise_multiplicities(_conc * volume),
233        "immersed surface area": _isa,
234        "signed water mass": np.full(n_sd, droplet_volume * formulae.constants.rho_w),
235    }
236    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(attributes["multiplicity"], multiplicity)
237    products = (
238        IceWaterContent(name="qi"),
239        TotalUnfrozenImmersedSurfaceArea(name="A_tot"),
240    )
241    particulator =, products=products)
242    env = particulator.environment
244    env["T"] = initial_temperature
245    env["a_w_ice"] = np.nan
246    env["RH"] = 1 + np.finfo(float).eps
247    svp = particulator.formulae.saturation_vapour_pressure
249    cell_id = 0
250    f_ufz = []
251    a_tot = []
252    for i in range(int(total_time / time_step) + 1):
253        if cooling_rate != 0:
254            env["T"] -= np.full((1,), cooling_rate * time_step / 2)
255            env["a_w_ice"] = svp.pvs_ice(env["T"][0]) / svp.pvs_water(env["T"][0])
256 if i == 0 else 1)
257        if cooling_rate != 0:
258            env["T"] -= np.full((1,), cooling_rate * time_step / 2)
260        ice_mass_per_volume = particulator.products["qi"].get()[cell_id]
261        ice_mass = ice_mass_per_volume * volume
262        ice_number = ice_mass / (formulae.constants.rho_w * droplet_volume)
263        unfrozen_fraction = 1 - ice_number / number_of_real_droplets
264        f_ufz.append(unfrozen_fraction)
265        a_tot.append(particulator.products["A_tot"].get()[cell_id])
266    return f_ufz, a_tot
class Simulation:
 19class Simulation:
 20    # note: dv and droplet_volume are dummy multipliers (multiplied and then divided by)
 21    #       will become used if coalescence or other processes are turned on
 22    def __init__(
 23        self,
 24        *,
 25        cases,
 26        n_runs_per_case=10,
 27        multiplicity=1,
 28        time_step,
 29        droplet_volume=1 ***3,
 30        heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate="Constant",
 31        total_time: Union[None, float] = None,
 32        temperature_range: Union[None, tuple] = None,
 33    ):
 34        self.cases = cases
 35        self.n_runs_per_case = n_runs_per_case
 36        self.multiplicity = multiplicity
 37        self.volume = cases.volume
 38        self.time_step = time_step
 39        self.droplet_volume = droplet_volume
 40        self.heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate = heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate
 41        self.output = None
 42        self.total_time = total_time
 43        self.temperature_range = temperature_range
 45    def run(self, keys):
 46        self.output = {}
 47        for key in keys:
 48            case = self.cases[key]
 50            assert (self.total_time is None) + (self.temperature_range is None) == 1
 51            if self.total_time is not None:
 52                total_time = self.total_time
 53            else:
 54                total_time = (
 55                    np.diff(np.asarray(self.temperature_range)) / case["cooling_rate"]
 56                )
 58            constants = None
 59            if "J_het" not in case:
 60                case["J_het"] = None
 61                constants = {"ABIFM_C": case["ABIFM_c"], "ABIFM_M": case["ABIFM_m"]}
 62            if "cooling_rate" not in case:
 63                case["cooling_rate"] = 0
 64                constants = {"J_HET": case["J_het"]}
 66            self.output[key] = []
 67            for i in range(self.n_runs_per_case):
 68                number_of_real_droplets = case["ISA"].norm_factor * self.volume
 69                n_sd = number_of_real_droplets / self.multiplicity
 70                np.testing.assert_approx_equal(n_sd, int(n_sd))
 71                n_sd = int(n_sd)
 72                initial_temp = (
 73                    self.temperature_range[1] if self.temperature_range else np.nan
 74                )
 75                f_ufz, a_tot = simulation(
 76                    constants=constants,
 77                    seed=i,
 78                    n_sd=n_sd,
 79                    time_step=self.time_step,
 80                    volume=self.volume,
 81                    spectrum=case["ISA"],
 82                    droplet_volume=self.droplet_volume,
 83                    multiplicity=self.multiplicity,
 84                    total_time=total_time,
 85                    number_of_real_droplets=number_of_real_droplets,
 86                    cooling_rate=self.cases[key]["cooling_rate"],
 87                    heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate=self.heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate,
 88                    initial_temperature=initial_temp,
 89                )
 90                self.output[key].append({"f_ufz": f_ufz, "A_tot": a_tot})
 92    def plot(self, ylim, grid=None):
 93        pyplot.rc("font", size=10)
 94        for key in self.output:
 95            for run in range(self.n_runs_per_case):
 96                time = self.time_step * np.arange(len(self.output[key][run]["f_ufz"]))
 97                if self.cases[key]["cooling_rate"] == 0:
 98                    plot_x = time / si.min
 99                    plot_y = self.output[key][run]["f_ufz"]
100                else:
101                    plot_x = (
102                        self.temperature_range[1]
103                        - time * self.cases[key]["cooling_rate"]
104                    )
105                    plot_y = 1 - np.asarray(self.output[key][run]["f_ufz"])
106                pyplot.step(
107                    plot_x,
108                    plot_y,
109                    label=self.cases.label(key) if run == 0 else None,
110                    color=self.cases[key]["color"],
111                    linewidth=0.666,
112                )
113        key = None
114        if version.parse(matplotlib.__version__) >= version.parse("3.3.0"):
115            pyplot.gca().set_box_aspect(1)
116        pyplot.legend()
117        if grid is not None:
118            pyplot.grid(which=grid)
119        pyplot.ylim(ylim)
120        if self.temperature_range:
121            pyplot.xlim(*self.temperature_range)
122            pyplot.xlabel("T / K")
123            pyplot.ylabel("$f_{frz}$")
124        else:
125            pyplot.xlim(0, self.total_time / si.min)
126            pyplot.xlabel("t / min")
127            pyplot.ylabel("$f_{ufz}$")
128            pyplot.yscale("log")
130    def plot_j_het(self, variant: str, abifm_params_case: str, ylim=None):
131        assert variant in ("apparent", "actual")
133        formulae = Formulae(
134            particle_shape_and_density="MixedPhaseSpheres",
135            heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate="ABIFM",
136            constants={
137                "ABIFM_M": self.cases[abifm_params_case]["ABIFM_m"],
138                "ABIFM_C": self.cases[abifm_params_case]["ABIFM_c"],
139            },
140        )
142        yunit = 1 /**2 / si.s
143        svp = formulae.saturation_vapour_pressure
144        plot_x = np.linspace(*self.temperature_range) * si.K
145        plot_y = formulae.heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate.j_het(
146            svp.pvs_ice(plot_x) / svp.pvs_water(plot_x)
147        )
148        pyplot.grid()
149        pyplot.plot(plot_x, plot_y / yunit, color="red", label="ABIFM $J_{het}$")
151        for key in self.output:
152            for run in range(self.n_runs_per_case):
153                time = self.time_step * np.arange(len(self.output[key][run]["f_ufz"]))
154                if self.cases[key]["cooling_rate"] == 0:
155                    raise NotImplementedError()
157                temperature = (
158                    self.temperature_range[1] - time * self.cases[key]["cooling_rate"]
159                )
160                spec = self.cases[key]["ISA"]
162                particle_number = spec.norm_factor * self.volume
163                n_ufz = particle_number * np.asarray(self.output[key][run]["f_ufz"])
164                n_frz = particle_number - n_ufz
166                j_het = np.diff(n_frz) / self.time_step
167                if variant == "apparent":
168                    j_het /= n_ufz[:-1] * spec.m_mode
169                else:
170                    a_tot = np.asarray(self.output[key][run]["A_tot"][:-1])
171                    j_het = np.divide(
172                        j_het, a_tot, out=np.zeros_like(j_het), where=a_tot != 0
173                    )
175                pyplot.scatter(
176                    temperature[:-1] + np.diff(temperature) / 2,
177                    np.where(j_het != 0, j_het, np.nan) / yunit,
178                    label=self.cases.label(key) if run == 0 else None,
179                    color=self.cases[key]["color"],
180                )
181        key = None
183        pyplot.yscale("log")
184        pyplot.xlabel("K")
185        pyplot.ylabel(
186            f"$J_{{het}}$, $J_{{het}}^{{{variant}}}$ / cm$^{{-2}}$ s$^{{-1}}$"
187        )
188        pyplot.xlim(self.temperature_range)
189        if ylim is not None:
190            pyplot.ylim(ylim)
191        pyplot.legend()
192        if version.parse(matplotlib.__version__) >= version.parse("3.3.0"):
193            pyplot.gca().set_box_aspect(1)
Simulation( *, cases, n_runs_per_case=10, multiplicity=1, time_step, droplet_volume=9.999999999999999e-19, heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate='Constant', total_time: Optional[float] = None, temperature_range: Optional[tuple] = None)
22    def __init__(
23        self,
24        *,
25        cases,
26        n_runs_per_case=10,
27        multiplicity=1,
28        time_step,
29        droplet_volume=1 ***3,
30        heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate="Constant",
31        total_time: Union[None, float] = None,
32        temperature_range: Union[None, tuple] = None,
33    ):
34        self.cases = cases
35        self.n_runs_per_case = n_runs_per_case
36        self.multiplicity = multiplicity
37        self.volume = cases.volume
38        self.time_step = time_step
39        self.droplet_volume = droplet_volume
40        self.heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate = heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate
41        self.output = None
42        self.total_time = total_time
43        self.temperature_range = temperature_range
def run(self, keys):
45    def run(self, keys):
46        self.output = {}
47        for key in keys:
48            case = self.cases[key]
50            assert (self.total_time is None) + (self.temperature_range is None) == 1
51            if self.total_time is not None:
52                total_time = self.total_time
53            else:
54                total_time = (
55                    np.diff(np.asarray(self.temperature_range)) / case["cooling_rate"]
56                )
58            constants = None
59            if "J_het" not in case:
60                case["J_het"] = None
61                constants = {"ABIFM_C": case["ABIFM_c"], "ABIFM_M": case["ABIFM_m"]}
62            if "cooling_rate" not in case:
63                case["cooling_rate"] = 0
64                constants = {"J_HET": case["J_het"]}
66            self.output[key] = []
67            for i in range(self.n_runs_per_case):
68                number_of_real_droplets = case["ISA"].norm_factor * self.volume
69                n_sd = number_of_real_droplets / self.multiplicity
70                np.testing.assert_approx_equal(n_sd, int(n_sd))
71                n_sd = int(n_sd)
72                initial_temp = (
73                    self.temperature_range[1] if self.temperature_range else np.nan
74                )
75                f_ufz, a_tot = simulation(
76                    constants=constants,
77                    seed=i,
78                    n_sd=n_sd,
79                    time_step=self.time_step,
80                    volume=self.volume,
81                    spectrum=case["ISA"],
82                    droplet_volume=self.droplet_volume,
83                    multiplicity=self.multiplicity,
84                    total_time=total_time,
85                    number_of_real_droplets=number_of_real_droplets,
86                    cooling_rate=self.cases[key]["cooling_rate"],
87                    heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate=self.heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate,
88                    initial_temperature=initial_temp,
89                )
90                self.output[key].append({"f_ufz": f_ufz, "A_tot": a_tot})
def plot(self, ylim, grid=None):
 92    def plot(self, ylim, grid=None):
 93        pyplot.rc("font", size=10)
 94        for key in self.output:
 95            for run in range(self.n_runs_per_case):
 96                time = self.time_step * np.arange(len(self.output[key][run]["f_ufz"]))
 97                if self.cases[key]["cooling_rate"] == 0:
 98                    plot_x = time / si.min
 99                    plot_y = self.output[key][run]["f_ufz"]
100                else:
101                    plot_x = (
102                        self.temperature_range[1]
103                        - time * self.cases[key]["cooling_rate"]
104                    )
105                    plot_y = 1 - np.asarray(self.output[key][run]["f_ufz"])
106                pyplot.step(
107                    plot_x,
108                    plot_y,
109                    label=self.cases.label(key) if run == 0 else None,
110                    color=self.cases[key]["color"],
111                    linewidth=0.666,
112                )
113        key = None
114        if version.parse(matplotlib.__version__) >= version.parse("3.3.0"):
115            pyplot.gca().set_box_aspect(1)
116        pyplot.legend()
117        if grid is not None:
118            pyplot.grid(which=grid)
119        pyplot.ylim(ylim)
120        if self.temperature_range:
121            pyplot.xlim(*self.temperature_range)
122            pyplot.xlabel("T / K")
123            pyplot.ylabel("$f_{frz}$")
124        else:
125            pyplot.xlim(0, self.total_time / si.min)
126            pyplot.xlabel("t / min")
127            pyplot.ylabel("$f_{ufz}$")
128            pyplot.yscale("log")
def plot_j_het(self, variant: str, abifm_params_case: str, ylim=None):
130    def plot_j_het(self, variant: str, abifm_params_case: str, ylim=None):
131        assert variant in ("apparent", "actual")
133        formulae = Formulae(
134            particle_shape_and_density="MixedPhaseSpheres",
135            heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate="ABIFM",
136            constants={
137                "ABIFM_M": self.cases[abifm_params_case]["ABIFM_m"],
138                "ABIFM_C": self.cases[abifm_params_case]["ABIFM_c"],
139            },
140        )
142        yunit = 1 /**2 / si.s
143        svp = formulae.saturation_vapour_pressure
144        plot_x = np.linspace(*self.temperature_range) * si.K
145        plot_y = formulae.heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate.j_het(
146            svp.pvs_ice(plot_x) / svp.pvs_water(plot_x)
147        )
148        pyplot.grid()
149        pyplot.plot(plot_x, plot_y / yunit, color="red", label="ABIFM $J_{het}$")
151        for key in self.output:
152            for run in range(self.n_runs_per_case):
153                time = self.time_step * np.arange(len(self.output[key][run]["f_ufz"]))
154                if self.cases[key]["cooling_rate"] == 0:
155                    raise NotImplementedError()
157                temperature = (
158                    self.temperature_range[1] - time * self.cases[key]["cooling_rate"]
159                )
160                spec = self.cases[key]["ISA"]
162                particle_number = spec.norm_factor * self.volume
163                n_ufz = particle_number * np.asarray(self.output[key][run]["f_ufz"])
164                n_frz = particle_number - n_ufz
166                j_het = np.diff(n_frz) / self.time_step
167                if variant == "apparent":
168                    j_het /= n_ufz[:-1] * spec.m_mode
169                else:
170                    a_tot = np.asarray(self.output[key][run]["A_tot"][:-1])
171                    j_het = np.divide(
172                        j_het, a_tot, out=np.zeros_like(j_het), where=a_tot != 0
173                    )
175                pyplot.scatter(
176                    temperature[:-1] + np.diff(temperature) / 2,
177                    np.where(j_het != 0, j_het, np.nan) / yunit,
178                    label=self.cases.label(key) if run == 0 else None,
179                    color=self.cases[key]["color"],
180                )
181        key = None
183        pyplot.yscale("log")
184        pyplot.xlabel("K")
185        pyplot.ylabel(
186            f"$J_{{het}}$, $J_{{het}}^{{{variant}}}$ / cm$^{{-2}}$ s$^{{-1}}$"
187        )
188        pyplot.xlim(self.temperature_range)
189        if ylim is not None:
190            pyplot.ylim(ylim)
191        pyplot.legend()
192        if version.parse(matplotlib.__version__) >= version.parse("3.3.0"):
193            pyplot.gca().set_box_aspect(1)
def simulation( *, constants, seed, n_sd, time_step, volume, spectrum, droplet_volume, multiplicity, total_time, number_of_real_droplets, cooling_rate=0, heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate='Constant', initial_temperature=nan):
196def simulation(
197    *,
198    constants,
199    seed,
200    n_sd,
201    time_step,
202    volume,
203    spectrum,
204    droplet_volume,
205    multiplicity,
206    total_time,
207    number_of_real_droplets,
208    cooling_rate=0,
209    heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate="Constant",
210    initial_temperature=np.nan,
212    formulae = Formulae(
213        seed=seed,
214        heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate=heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate,
215        constants=constants,
216        particle_shape_and_density="MixedPhaseSpheres",
217    )
218    builder = Builder(
219        n_sd=n_sd,
220        backend=CPU(formulae=formulae),
221        environment=Box(dt=time_step, dv=volume),
222    )
223    builder.add_dynamic(Freezing(singular=False))
224    builder.request_attribute("volume")
226    if hasattr(spectrum, "s_geom") and spectrum.s_geom == 1:
227        _isa, _conc = np.full(n_sd, spectrum.m_mode), np.full(
228            n_sd, multiplicity / volume
229        )
230    else:
231        _isa, _conc = spectral_sampling.ConstantMultiplicity(spectrum).sample(n_sd)
232    attributes = {
233        "multiplicity": discretise_multiplicities(_conc * volume),
234        "immersed surface area": _isa,
235        "signed water mass": np.full(n_sd, droplet_volume * formulae.constants.rho_w),
236    }
237    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(attributes["multiplicity"], multiplicity)
238    products = (
239        IceWaterContent(name="qi"),
240        TotalUnfrozenImmersedSurfaceArea(name="A_tot"),
241    )
242    particulator =, products=products)
243    env = particulator.environment
245    env["T"] = initial_temperature
246    env["a_w_ice"] = np.nan
247    env["RH"] = 1 + np.finfo(float).eps
248    svp = particulator.formulae.saturation_vapour_pressure
250    cell_id = 0
251    f_ufz = []
252    a_tot = []
253    for i in range(int(total_time / time_step) + 1):
254        if cooling_rate != 0:
255            env["T"] -= np.full((1,), cooling_rate * time_step / 2)
256            env["a_w_ice"] = svp.pvs_ice(env["T"][0]) / svp.pvs_water(env["T"][0])
257 if i == 0 else 1)
258        if cooling_rate != 0:
259            env["T"] -= np.full((1,), cooling_rate * time_step / 2)
261        ice_mass_per_volume = particulator.products["qi"].get()[cell_id]
262        ice_mass = ice_mass_per_volume * volume
263        ice_number = ice_mass / (formulae.constants.rho_w * droplet_volume)
264        unfrozen_fraction = 1 - ice_number / number_of_real_droplets
265        f_ufz.append(unfrozen_fraction)
266        a_tot.append(particulator.products["A_tot"].get()[cell_id])
267    return f_ufz, a_tot